See You Next Year, Halloween

The spooky season was here.

My Owners’ first Halloween in Dordrecht was eventful. Little that they knew, our street and its surrounding have had trick-or-treat events for awhile now, something that’s actually very not Dutch but well, it’s fun, so why not? Actually these past few years, Dutch people are more and more into Halloween compared to, say, six years ago? So after a lame but fun Halloween party with friends (the first that was ever hosted by Lady Owner in her life), the next day, on Halloween’s Day itself, there was a full-on trick or treat with so many kids on the street dressing like serial killers and fairies and witches. Safe to say that My Owners ran out of candies after just half an hour, and had to ask for loans from a kind neighbor.

It was spooky. Lady Owner, being the crazy person that she is, had had decorated my facade and my living room with all kinds of spider webs and skeletons waaay before Halloween, while apparently—she later found out—the other houses just sprang into action literally in the morning of 31st October (she was bummed for two weeks thinking the whole street was lame and Halloween-unloving). On 30th there was absolutely nothing, and suddenly there were party tent haunted by bloody ghosts in one house, red light illuminating the front door of another, large skeleton on roofs, fake dead bodies hanging from flagpoles, etc. And little kids were just running rampant in their scary costumes.

So who knew! thought Lady Owner in awe. Who knew that people here in Dordrecht actually do Halloween, before quickly embarking on Sinterklaas and then of course, Christmas.

Spooky pumpkins sold at local Albert Heijn.

Living room.

Halloween party

Another thing that my Lady Owner discovered was that our local library, De Bibliotheek AanZet (a cool place!), celebrated the spooky season by opening a new manga section that included cosplay. Wasn’t it glorious?

Of course, they didn’t forget the decorations, and of course it was Death Note, that happens to be one of Lady Owner’s favorites.

And nooooow, is it time to deck the halls already?



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